Membership in Phi Sigma Theta is
open to all undergraduates who meet the necessary academic
qualifications. Students must have completed at least
one full semester of study leading towards a bachelor's
The minimum academic average required for membership is
a "B" average or the equivalent of a 3.0 based
upon a 4.0 scale. Eligibility can be based upon a students
grades after the first complete term (i.e., semester or
quarter) or on the cumulative average at the end of any
term up to the completion of their second year in college.
Membership may be extended to students based upon grades
acquired from the registrar's office. Additionally, potential
members may be nominated by fellow members, faculty, or
fellow students assuming that they meet the above requirements.
Nominations should detail the students achievements and
be sent to membership@phisigmatheta.org.
Once initiated, the student becomes a member for life
in Phi Sigma Theta. |